Attached is a link to a genuinely fascinating report on the use of technology and uptake of the internet. If your grinding away on your desktop PC with a terrestrial phone line by your side – its shows why you might be (like me) the next dinosaur, it also shows that if your thinking laptop you might need to be thinking smart phone or tablet (though no mention of googles new augmented reality glasses). It also shows how computing resources are not just for work/web browsing but for just about all the other bibliophilic activities in your life.
The slide show is just over a hundred pages in length featuring a whole lot of stats, some very US centric economic relates and conclusions. But the end of the show is a nice then and now of how we do things. Some of these are definite reality and other are part way to fruition and may or may not be fully realised.
See the KPCB show here
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