The Fat Smoker

StrategyFatSmokerDavidMaister.jpgThere is a great strategy book about a fat smoke (Strategy and the Fat Smoker” by D. Maister). You can read the whole book if you like but the Itty Bitty take on it is this: The fat smoker knows he has to give up the cigars, the booze and start exercising to lose some weight…but nothing actually happens until the heart attack. Then and only then does he take action and do something about it. Then once the crisis is over its probably not long till he’s back on the booze and the fags. 

Its a lot like this for businesses too don’t you think?

Real change is hard, (thats what the book is about) but the rewards that can come with it can be unqualified success! What do you need to change before the crisis hits?